Listen up

Written in reflection of the Empathy Morning workshop

What an incredible group of people to talk about listening! The workshop was full of incredibly open and brave humans looking to improve the way they listened to themselves and each other. It was an amazing space to be a part of, way to go y'all!

As always, ran part of the session as a me-empathy practice where we checked in with our Energy, Baggage, and Inventory before we dug into the Listening/Hearing portion. Those that participated were able to share stories of what it felt like to be listened to, learn about the 10 blockers to good listening, and recognize within themselves what gets in their way of listening. Before signing off and waving “adios” to our new friends, we asked them to take the listening blocker(s) they most identified with and take compassionate action to reduce it. 

Two Empathy Morning shares from this session:

  • Blockers to Listening PDF : Something we shared with the group from our session on what blocks our ability to listen and hear each other.

  • Miro Workshop Boards : For you to review or check out for the first time, our Miro covers both the content shared and some of the breakout session responses. Great stuff!

If you want to be informed of our next Empathy Morning session, follow EL on LinkedIn where we will announce our August, October, and December topics. Much excitement for what's coming up!

Recognizing the Roe v Wade decision:

Our Empathy Morning session happened to start at the same time as the Roe v Wade decision announcement, therefore many of us learned about the news after our practice was over. We were not able to hold space at the time for a conversation around how this decision impacts our lives. It is my mission to hold space for all thoughtful sides of these difficult/uncomfortable discussions so that We can individually and collectively evolve forward. We are not here to change each other's minds, we are here to practice empathy and practice taking compassionate action. Through this practice, we will evolve.

While I (Shelton) stand by my own personal sadness and anger for the recent SCOTUS decisions - my feelings and emotions are just a small part, an equal-to-you part of the Empathy Lab community.


Listening Development Reminder


Parenting Kids + Learning to Apologize