Hidden Needs

Sketch of a brain that has the word help written into the folds of the brain.
We might not have the words to share,
Yet our minds understand what we need.
Be present with those around you,
We are in this together.
— sD

Mental health is a hidden reality that each individual lives with. Like our human fingerprint, no two mental health scenarios are exactly the same. As we start to grapple with the realities of poor mental health understanding and care, we are waking to a painful tipping point. Unlike previous mental health scares, we’ve progressed to a scientific understanding that mental health is necessary for our overall health AND that mental health is improvable through practice. Cognitive behavior therapy and dedicated mindfulness practices have shown to improve our overall health and wellness.

Inspiration came from listening to The Daily podcast from the New York Times where Michael Barbaro explored the journalistic work of Matt Richtel in a segment titled, “Inside the Adolescent Mental Health Crisis”. Together they explored the mental health crisis we are witnessing and what brought us to this point. I implore you to listen to the segment, it is only 30 minutes long.

Not all is lost when we realize we are in a storm. Storms present opportunity to evolve. With this opportunity we can create a better future. Start now. Set a goal to be empathetic and compassionate. Practice simple things moving forward. Be present.

Sketch background:

This sketch of a brain came before the words that you are are currently reading. Sometimes we can more easily translate feelings, understandings, and emotions through physical actions like dancing, sketching, exercise, or music. I know this is true for me, translating what my brain is computing into sketches and diagrams helps me makes sense of the world I am interpreting in the moment. Far too often do we require people to verbalize or write down their feelings. Sometimes the words are not available. Other times the words to be shared carry too much fear or judgement. Sketches are a magical tool for me to bring life’s interpretations into shareable view. If you ever need someone to share a feeling with that isn’t through words - I’m here to be present with you and observe your being.


Empathetic Dialogues


Curiosity + Questions